The Internet Oasis


In the name of Allah, this leaflet is launched as a channel for talking together. It is expected to be a tool for transmitting new ideas and improving not only our English but also our knowledge base. As a promise you will find a new piece of information every time. This seed (our leaflet) will grow up, based on your support, to provide us with a shadow place in an oasis to release our stress. Finally, the only limit of success is still waiting for the new publisher every week.


One plus one

During all of my life I have learned that one plus one equals two. Do you believe that this reflects the real situations? Some attributes are supposed to be attached to these ones, like additive one or subtractive one. In more explanation if two persons give a hand of help to solve the same problem with sincere co-operation, in this case one plus one equals than two. On the other side, consider two-quarrel mates, in this case one plus one may be equal minus two. Do you share me the same idea? If so what are your favourite style?



Short story: A man spent all of his life to build a very nice decorated property which he never lived in

Joke: The EU asked their countries to write a book about the elephant. On replay, the British wrote a book with title "shoot the elephant", the French with title"Oh lovely elephant", the Norwegian with " how to cook an egg", the Germans wrote twelve volumes with title "an introduction to the elephant", One year later the Dutch introduced the same twelve volumes.


Travel: Cairo

Weekly you are invited to visit a city around the world and let's begin by my favorite place, Cairo.


Cairo - the Triumphant City - is the glorious capital of Egypt, the cradle of civilization and the beacon of religion. It is the largest city in the Middle East and Africa and lies at the center of all routes leading to, and from the three continents: Asia , Africa and Europe. Greater Cairo extends on the banks of the River Nile to the south of its delta. It is the city where past and present meet. On its East Side stands the evidence of 2000 years of Islamic and Christian Coptic culture still flourishing to this day. On its west side lies the Ancient Egyptian city of Memphis (Giza), the renowned capital of the Old Kingdom and the site of the Pyramids, the only wonder surviving of the Seven Wonders of the world. Indeed, a journey through Cairo is a journey through time. A journey through the history of an immortal civilization.


Entertainment: The magic square

It is a square of 3X3 cells, each contain a number from 1 to 9 (without repetition). The sum of every row, column, diagonal is equal to 15. Can you provide us by this square to tell you about one of its usage?


Net Solutions: Learning English

Welcome by your contribution, suggestion, enquires and criticism to [email protected]

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