ES 12/7/99

Hot Lines

The Egyptian Society at Manchester introduces a warm welcome to the new members, Ahmed at computation and Hosam at civil engineering

Short story

Who is the winner?

In a competition to know the most lazy, " I can't leave the bed when I wake up" said the first one while the second said I am lazy to eat even when I was Hungary. Finally, the last one said I am sorry I am lazy to share in the competition. Do you know who is the winner

Web solutions

a)For general shopping and sale information, try the following:

designer fashion and sports wear

enter your local town to find shops in your area

b) London information


On writing this newsletter, a lot of criticism was expected (after reading it not before) and this is a spot of light, which guide our steps. Thanks to those who spent their time to send a feed back. On the other side, some are very busy to read or surrend from the first handicap. One of them takes four hours to tell me that he has no time to read it. Although this is a small effort, it worth the reading time. Finally, you can drive the horse to water but you can't force it to drink.

Travel : London

London is now by far the biggest city in Europe. Divided into 16 areas, each with its own character, including the political and royal Westminster; the money markets of The City;

And others. Britain has produced great collectors: old masters in the National Gallery, modern art in the Tate Gallery, (post-) Impressionists in the Courtauld institute Galleries, Oriental and Classical art in the British Museum, architectural details in the small Sir John Soane's Museum and everything you can think of in the huge Victoria and Albert Museum.

I read 4U

The wristphone Mobil phone

A cell phone in the form of a wristwatch comes true by NTT, the Japanese phone giant. Swatch, the trendy watchmaker, plans to release a gadget to link to GSM cell phone network

During 1999, costing under $ 480. Do you still thinking to buy

a mobile phone or waiting


Joining vertices using a pencil, what is the maximum number of triangles?






Help line :

A friend asks for a tutorial for Fortran language.

Contributions, suggestions, enquires and criticism are welcome to

[email protected]

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